Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Super Tuesday, The Aftermath

The GOP primary this year fascinates me.  There have been so many different surges by multiple candidates and the rise and fall by each candidate.  It comes down to the fact that the establishment pick, Romney does NOT inspire or excite the Conservative base of the Party and the Conservative vote is split between two solid individuals.  That leaves out the candidate that is 100% right on constitutional and fiscal matters yet in the same breath is 100% wrong when it comes to foreign relations and our military.  The following is a candidate by candidate summary of each candidate Post-Super Tuesday.

Mitt Romney - The Package or The Body
Mitt has been endorsed by the majority of party leaders, congressmen, and Governors that have announced endorsements.  He is obviously the Party favorite.  He also is in the lead and will LIKELY be the nominee.  He has the most money both individually and as a campaign.  Those on Wall Street that supported Obama in 2008 are now mostly supporting Romney.  He and his Super PAC are outspending his opponents in every state by large margins as much as 12 to 1.  On Super Tuesday Romney narrowly defeated Rick Santorum by 12,000+/- votes despite largely outspending him.  Super Tuesday did deliver 6 victories to Mitt Romney but it did not meet the expectations that some had that this day would put the election away for Romney.
Conservatives are still in large part NOT buying in to Candidate Romney.  They are split between Santorum and Newt and the continued split of this vote benefits Romney.  Romney has been plagued by the notion that he cannot seal the deal and his authenticity and conservative credentials remain in question for many.  The problems for the Romney Campaign are as follows.
  • Romneycare - While different it is too similar in theory to Obamacare and those that helped write Romneycare advised the White House on Obamacare.  Romney will struggle to clearly contrast himself.
  • Occupy Wall Street - Mitt is Rich, Filthy Rich.  While this should NOT be a factor in the campaign, it is clear to me that Obama and his campaign will use the class warfare of Obama and his fight for the Middle Class against Mitt Romney and his pals, the 1%.  The support of Wall Street donors will not help.
  • Attack on His Faith - Romney's Mormonism has NOT been an issue in this Primary.  Romney has won the Catholic vote in several states.  It is to the credit of the GOP and the primary field that his faith as been a non-issue.  It WAS a larger issue in 2008.  It is naive to think that the issue will stay out of the news during the General Election.  I fully expect the Obama team to attach Romney's faith while they try to depict Obama as a faithful Christian.  Will the electorate buy it?
With Mitt I fear that the GOP will again nominate a moderate and lose.  

Newt Gingrich - The Brain
Newt is the smartest guy in the race, and in most every room.  The tough thing is that he hung his campaign on a "Super Tuesday Strategy".  That blueprint could not have included coming in last in at least 4 states and only win his native state.  With his win in GA, Newt has decided to stay in.  IF both Newt and Santorum stay in this is positive for Romney.  Newt is smart, genuine, and would be a good contrast to Obama but his race does not seem to be able to gain momentum.

Rick Santorum - The Heart
Santorum is winning and competing in states based on the convictions he has and the passion he exudes when he engages the voters personally.  His core convictions pour out of him and he inspires many.  He is polling well in the South and with several Southern States coming up next week he can gain momentum.

It is his core convictions and his authenticity that makes conservatives want to support him.  He is a fighter and with his victories he sees a reason to continue.  At some point Newt and Santorum must agree that 1 candidate will take on Romney.  Santorum has earned that right.

Ron Paul- He's Done
Ron Paul has had his day and he has gotten the word out.  Finishing last in many of the Super Tuesday elections show that he should step down.

I DO NOT want to see a Brokered Convention.  I DO NOT Want to see Sarah Palin jump in the race.  She Would LOSE.  A Brokered Convention will damage the eventual candidate.  The primary can and should continue through California on June 6, but after that we need to have a Candidate selected. 

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