Friday, April 3, 2009

Anti-Americanism from the President of the United States


President Obama earlier today, on European soil tells the World that America has shown arrogance towards it's allies.
“Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.”
So what he is saying is that over the last 8 years the United States and the previous Administration completely dimisissed and disrespected the sovereignty of other European nations. Although France and Great Britain(England has President Obama called it) stood by us during the war on Terror. They did not stand as strong but that might be because we were attacked and their people would not have supported a larger presence as they lean towards protectionism. President Bush improved relationships strong relationships with Great Britain and Germany, and France has been coming around. But now President Obama stands withg Sarkozy and agrees that Gitmo was America running the equivalent of a terrorist organization. This is NOT ACCEPTABLE for an American President.

Next he tells Europe they should be more involved as they are more likely to be hit due to their proximity to nations that terrorists train and operate from.
"It is probably more likely that al Qaeda would be able to launch a serious terrorist attack on Europe than on the United States because of proximity," Mr Obama said.
This shows a STUNNING example that President Obama does not understand why the Terrorists hate America and why they Target the USA. The USA stands for Freedom, and we will defend the weak, and seek to defeat EVIL in our time. President Obama and his Administration do not have resolve to stand up to Terrorism. They have Abandoned the phrase "War on Terror", determined they will close Gitmo which will mean Terrorists captured in the war on terror will be brought into the U.S. and will be put in our Prisons(fertile ground to stir and raise more dissent) , and now Obama wants to put our Sovereignty in the hands of NATO.
"Nato is the most successful alliance in modern history. And the basic premise of Nato was that Europe's security was the United States' security and vice versa."

Today an American President to stood on Foreign Soil and torr down America while his policies weaken our nation. Meanwhile the media stands by and slobbers over The First Lady's outfits and how good the Obama's look. When are we going to realize what is happening. Hae we forgotten? Will it take another attack for us to again find resolve to stand strong against those who want to harm our country and want to kill the American Spirit.

President Obama does not understand our world and the times we live in.

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