Saturday, February 28, 2009

Why am I blogging?

Many of my friends and family know I often have an opinion. In today's culture I see many of the people in my generation and the one behind me losing a grip on Standing on Principle. The breakdown of the family, greed, and selfishness are major issues in our world today. I want to have a place where you can come and read what I have to say and comment. I want to encourage others to stand on principle.

We must do this in our Faith, in our Government, in our Work, and in our Family. We must teach our kids that the way to achieve great things is to work hard, be honest, and always do the Right thing. Too many people today are looking to the government to give them a hand. I do not want to be a success due to my government, I want to be a success because I worked hard and never gave up.

Life will not be easy. As the world "crumbles" around us we can have great hope in knowing that we are living not for this world but for life everlasting with our Lord Jesus Christ. While we are here on this earth we need to be good stewards and Do the Right Thing.

I hope this blog is an encouragement to you!

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog, John! I'll be adding it to my bloglist so I can keep reading!! Hope all is well in Texas!
    -Erin Bridges
